S w/u
5 rounds
5 headcutter
3 Knee jump
Me lower:
Cambered bar BS
3x3@80% of above weight
3 x 3 rack pull @80%
5x5 T bar row
5x5 Tempo RDL (1 second lower, 3 second raise)
30G2S @ 50% BW
3x8 reverse hyper
S w/u
5 rounds
5 headcutter
3 Knee jump
Me lower:
Cambered bar BS
3x3@80% of above weight
3 x 3 rack pull @80%
5x5 T bar row
5x5 Tempo RDL (1 second lower, 3 second raise)
30G2S @ 50% BW
3x8 reverse hyper