3 Sets

Single Arm Bottoms Up KB Carry x 10m/arm Scapular Push Ups x 10
Passive Ring Hang x 30sec
Band Pull Aparts x 15 reps


A1) Wide Grip Bench Press: 31X0; 10-12reps; rest 75sec x 3 Sets 

A2) Pendlay Row: 30X1; 10-12reps; rest 75sec x 3 Sets


B1) Strict Bar Dips: 2020; 10-12reps; rest 75sec x 3 Sets
B2) Supinated Grip Body Row: 30X0; 12-14reps; rest 75sec x 3 Sets


C) 15min:

20sec L Sit on Rings
15m Quadruped Crawl Forwards
15m Quadruped Crawl Backwards
10 Dual KB Clean and Push Press 44/26lbs 5 Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Kurtis Frasier