3 Sets

12 Tall Kneeling Band Pull Aparts (hold 1sec with arms wide)

6 Lateral Box Step Downs/leg (3sec lowering)
30sec Reverse Quadruped Crawl


A1) Back Rack Split Squat: 2110; 8-10/leg; rest 45sec x 4 Sets *rear foot on 4-6” plates
A2) Pronated Strict Pull Up: 2011; 8-10reps;


B1) Cyclist Front Squat: 31X0; 8-10reps; rest 45sec x 4 Sets

B2) Chainsaw Row: 20X2; 8-10/arm; rest 45sec x 4 Sets


C) 3 Sets - Pre-Fatigue Muscle Endurance:

3mins AMRAP
Assault Bike 20/17 cals
-in time left over complete as many rounds as you can of the following- 2 KB Split Clean R 53/35lbs
2 KB Single Arm Rack Lunge R
2 KB Single Arm Thruster R
2 KB Split Clean L
2 KB Single Arm Rack Lunge L
2 KB Single Arm Thruster L
rest walk 2mins after each set

Kurtis Frasier