S w/u


12min alt EMOM

  1. 9/12cal Row

  2. 7x burpee over row

  3. 10x GS @ 16/23kg


W2H BS (85%)

3x BS @ 80-85% + 8x heavy KBS

5 sets, 3min rest between


60x DL @ 85-135# +

50x Wall ball @ 12/20# +

40x Ball slam @ 30/50# +

30x box jump @ 22/24” +

20x BB thruster @ 65/95# +

10x pull up

for time

* * all reps must be completed before moving onto the next movement * *


4x 30/30 hollow hold

2nd training session:

60min low impact aerobic work @ 60% max heart rate

Kurtis Frasier