S w/u


10x Dead Bug
20 sec side Plank
10x Supermans

3 rounds


10 min EMOM
5x Single arm DB Squat Cleans & Press (each arm)
start light and increase as needed


Warm up Box Squat to Moderate Weight

10x Tempo Box Squat with 3 sec pause just above the box
& 3 sec pause just before lock out at top.

90 sec rest; 3 rounds


3x15 Heavy Shrug

3x10 Bulgarian Split Squats


21’s DB Curls

7x Half curls from bottom
7x Half curls from top
7x full curls

3 rounds

After each round complete a round of max rep close grip push up

5-10 min cooldown/Stretch

Kurtis Frasier