S w/u
3x10 hip box
3x5 Cossack Goblet Squat w/ pause
3x10 KB Swing
3x5 box jump
Work to heavy 1-2 rep Sumo DL
3x1 @ heavy to 90% of heavy
3x15 RDL
3x15 Good Morning
4x 30 sec Dead Hang
100x Banded PVC RDL
S w/u
3x10 hip box
3x5 Cossack Goblet Squat w/ pause
3x10 KB Swing
3x5 box jump
Work to heavy 1-2 rep Sumo DL
3x1 @ heavy to 90% of heavy
3x15 RDL
3x15 Good Morning
4x 30 sec Dead Hang
100x Banded PVC RDL